Not all clubs on campus are ASWC affiliated, but we encourage you to reach out to register. If you decide to register as an ASWC affiliated club, you get a number of perks:
Scroll to see the clubs that are ASWC funded or visit Presence.
To start the ASWC club affiliation process, you can email
To request that your club be featured on our Instagram, fill out the ASWC Club Instagram Highlight Form.
Association for Computing Machinery Whitman College Chapter (ACM@Whitman)
Associated Students of Whitman College (ASWC)
Climate Justice Coalition (CJC)
Google Developer Student Club (GDSC) Whitman College
Indigenous Peoples Education and Culture Club (IPECC)
Planned Parenthood Generation Action (PPGA)
Renaissance Faire Planning Committee
Rocky Horror Picture Show Club
SAAC (Student Athlete Advisory Committee)
Whitman African Student Association
Whitman Backcountry Ski & Snowboard Club
Whitman College BIPOC Outdoor Club
Whitman College Equestrian Club (WCEC)
Whitman College Student Chapter of the American Chemical Society